What Is Your Dream Car? When we were younger, we all daydreamed about what perfect car we would be driving. Many of us saw ourselves owning a Camaro, Mustang, Charger, or several other fancy sports cars. But life happens, and many of us are forced to give up on the dream of ever owning our dream car. There are times when we might need a vehicle that best suits our current situation, whether it be we need a car for a home business or to transport our family. So that's when a two-door Camaro is not quite efficient for a family of five. You grow up, mature, possibly get married and start a family. This is when you may find your dream of owning a sports car being put on the back burner, so to speak. It does not mean that you must completely give up on this dream, but most of us are forced to prioritize and do what’s best for our family. So if a third-row seating SUV is what is needed to accommodate our family, then that is what we buy. This does not mean however that the dream of...