A Memorable Journey to Singapore Land Rover - In 1955, six undergraduates from Cambridge embarked on an impossible journey. This expedition would take these men halfway around the world on rough terrain, from the English Channel to Singapore. One of the men, Tim Slessor, tells of how the trip came together. How it All Came Together Like most college undergraduates, these men had no money and no car, but late one night Slessor came to Adrian Cowell’s room for a nightcap. Cowell started dreaming- out loud. “How about putting together an expedition to drive to Singapore? Crazy? Maybe. But why not? After all, no one else had done it. We could be the first.”After a long night of planning a route and figuring mileages, a team came together. The team comprised of cameraman Antony Barrington Brown (best known to the men as BB), Henry Nott, secretary of the University Motor Club, Pat Murphy, navigator and visa-negotiating diplomat, and Nigel Newbery who became their quartermaster an...