The Mother Road - Route 66 is a highway that cuts across America and stretches from Chicago to Los Angeles. The route runs through Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona ending at Santa Monica, California. That is covering a total of 2,448 miles driving through small towns and major cities. Cyrus Avery and John Woodruff deserve credit for their efforts for promoting the idea of linking Chicago and Los Angeles in the early 1900’s also allowing farmers to transport goods and the trucking industry to thrive in a time of the railroad. The mild climate in the north and flat prairie lands made it appealing to truckers as well. Thanks to John Steinbeck’s 1939 novel The Grapes of Wrath, Route 66 was dubbed the Mother Road, and the name stuck with American’s. Many migrated to California during the Dust Bowl, and for those who lived during this difficult experience, Route 66 would symbolize the “road to opportunity.” Thousands of young men were em...