Is It Time To Get A New Vehicle? What better time to purchase a new vehicle than the summertime? For those of you who like to do a lot of traveling in the summer for vacation, this may be the prime opportunity to trade that old unreliable vehicle in for something new. If you are a traveler, then you want something that is spacious. You may want something that can accommodate for kayaks, canoes, bicycles, or to pull a camper. It’s also important to have something that is spacious enough for children if you have any because they need room to stretch and move on long car trips. It is also important to have enough space to separate the children because often times when they are cooped up in a vehicle for a long car ride, they tend to fight and bicker if they are to close and can reach each other. What Is a Good Traveling Vehicle? Large SUVs or pickup trucks are perfect for traveling. Pickup trucks are perfect if you have a large RV to pull behind you. If you have several children, h...